Class discussion

Today in class we conducted our group discussions on how our projects are going and feedback on stuff that could possibly make our film better. It was split half of the people doing magazine and half doing film in each group so there could have diversification. We each passed around a computer one by one and logged in our blog accounts and showed their examples of posts and ideas for their film/ magazine. We each had to come up with at least one piece of constructive criticism to help improve one another’s projects. 

The people in my group were very supportive of the idea for the film and thought it would be a success. They understood the suspense and grabbed the idea right from the start. Similar to other movie openings and same concept as other films our film will be much more appealing to this generation and equally as intriguing to older people too.  One thing they suggested to improve our film was we should use a populated area at night like Miami or Fort Lauderdale for the scene of Rachel’s kid napping. 
