Filming process

This upcoming weekend we are planning to start the filming process and we are very excited! We have been organizing costumes, props, and camera equipment to begin. Only thing missing involving our costumes is Jonathan’s and Sebastian’s but they should be chosen and purchased soon. I definitely think the gillie suites are the way to go if they were to be stationary in a woodland area trying to be exclusive from society. 

To start out the film we will most likely be at town center or a place of big population in order to start it off with a building of suspense. Then immediately beginning the kidnapping and POV of Rachel as she makes her way to an undisclosed location.  After the kidnapping part of the intro we turn it over to the society in the forest were they take her and begin the escape. Added scene arrangement will be enhanced in those scenes but as of now that’s a quick overview of what the film will look like once put together. 
