
This week we have finally finalized our genre to be an action/ thriller that starts with the interesting dramatic back story but left on a cliff hanger to have the audience on the edge of there seat the whole time. Therefore there will be unanswered questions intriguing the viewer to finish the film. An idea arose about this when watching diffience with Daniel Craig where you get fed a tiny bit of back story and right into action. 

Another tactic our group could head towards is placing the last scene of the movie in the beginning that way allowing for the audience to take in what the movies about and want to know what’s leading up to complete it. Although tricky and sometimes risky this could be a great idea of a way to start off our film opening. Done in many good movies I think this would be unique and no other group would think of this method. 

This way of portraying our film opening will be later discussed in the starting stages of the story board. When we start scripting our film and making the starting phases actually happen we can decide which intro to use.  
