Story board

In class Johnathan had been creating a  story board and started to come up with shots and angles to use while shooting some scenes. It’s great that Johnathan is in the group because he is a great drawer and can depict images really well. We are trying to put as many different angles in our film to create a weary feel throughout the duration of the opening. Most of the process is brainstorming ideas of how to make our film much different and far off from anyone else’s. 

Now for clothing, In the very first scene we were thinking of Rachel wearing nice clothing like a dress and high heals and Jonathan and Sebastian in a guillie suit as if they were living in the woods off the grid. The point of Rachel having a dress and heals on is to seem as she is having a night out and is a little intoxicated while BOOM the action begins. Johnothan and Sebastian fully clothed with no way of decrypting there identity throw Rachel in the back seat of a vehicle and drive off quickly talking her to an undisclosed location.  
