
Showing posts from March, 2018

Filming process

This upcoming weekend we are planning to start the filming process and we are very excited! We have been organizing costumes, props, and camera equipment to begin. Only thing missing involving our costumes is Jonathan’s and Sebastian’s but they should be chosen and purchased soon. I definitely think the gillie suites are the way to go if they were to be stationary in a woodland area trying to be exclusive from society.  To start out the film we will most likely be at town center or a place of big population in order to start it off with a building of suspense. Then immediately beginning the kidnapping and POV of Rachel as she makes her way to an undisclosed location.  After the kidnapping part of the intro we turn it over to the society in the forest were they take her and begin the escape. Added scene arrangement will be enhanced in those scenes but as of now that’s a quick overview of what the film will look like once put together. 


We are all caught up on film preparation and story board contents. We are looking to start filming soon to jump on the editing process as soon as we can cause that’s where most of the effects take place. We are taking a break from the project to regenerate our creative flow and hopefully bring some new ideas to the table. As of now we have almost everything we need to make the end result look like our envisionment as we wanted from start to finish. We are hoping everything runs smoothly with minimal difficulties so we don’t need to be fixing it the last minute. Johnathan will take care of editing on iMovie or premier pro while I’ll be filming using an iPhone 8 camera which has 12MP rear with OIS, 7MP front. With these technologies we will be able to complete a prestige movie opening. 

Class discussion

Today in class we conducted our group discussions on how our projects are going and feedback on stuff that could possibly make our film better. It was split half of the people doing magazine and half doing film in each group so there could have diversification. We each passed around a computer one by one and logged in our blog accounts and showed their examples of posts and ideas for their film/ magazine. We each had to come up with at least one piece of constructive criticism to help improve one another’s projects.  The people in my group were very supportive of the idea for the film and thought it would be a success. They understood the suspense and grabbed the idea right from the start. Similar to other movie openings and same concept as other films our film will be much more appealing to this generation and equally as intriguing to older people too.  One thing they suggested to improve our film was we should use a populated area at night like Miami or Fort Lauderdale...

Story board

In class Johnathan had been creating a  story board and started to come up with shots and angles to use while shooting some scenes. It’s great that Johnathan is in the group because he is a great drawer and can depict images really well. We are trying to put as many different angles in our film to create a weary feel throughout the duration of the opening. Most of the process is brainstorming ideas of how to make our film much different and far off from anyone else’s.  Now for clothing, In the very first scene we were thinking of Rachel wearing nice clothing like a dress and high heals and Jonathan and Sebastian in a guillie suit as if they were living in the woods off the grid. The point of Rachel having a dress and heals on is to seem as she is having a night out and is a little intoxicated while BOOM the action begins. Johnothan and Sebastian fully clothed with no way of decrypting there identity throw Rachel in the back seat of a vehicle and drive off quickly talking...

Acting roles

Recently our group has been discussing roles in the film. Its good that our group has diversity of female and males staring in our film. We are thinking Rachel could be used as a victim of a killer, having importance to the film by being the daughter of someone with lots of power. Johnathan and Sebastian could play either a villain or a capturer and have Rachel be the main focus of the film and getting her back.  The setting also could be in lots of places we were thinking about doing it in a local park where there is a bunch of wooded area. This is where the drone shot would best look because of the tall trees and little sight could produce a very good heart racing scene. Johnathan and Sebastian at this point in production are playing savages that live in the woods and have captured rachel but highly trained men go on a mission to get her back. 


This week we have finally finalized our genre to be an action/ thriller that starts with the interesting dramatic back story but left on a cliff hanger to have the audience on the edge of there seat the whole time. Therefore there will be unanswered questions intriguing the viewer to finish the film. An idea arose about this when watching diffience with Daniel Craig where you get fed a tiny bit of back story and right into action.  Another tactic our group could head towards is placing the last scene of the movie in the beginning that way allowing for the audience to take in what the movies about and want to know what’s leading up to complete it. Although tricky and sometimes risky this could be a great idea of a way to start off our film opening. Done in many good movies I think this would be unique and no other group would think of this method.  This way of portraying our film opening will be later discussed in the starting stages of the story board. When we start ...

starting phases 3

      The storyboard is coming along very well and were all sharing our ideas with one another to get the creative juices flowing. we've decided our genre will be action/thriller with a touch of drama, leaving the audience with a cliff hanger wandering what will happen next. we've just started the beginning of the storyboard which is definitely a difficult part of the project because we don't want to give away too much of the movie in just the opening scene. Although the opening scene should establish characters, setting, and plot.             Also we are discussing costume choices, music, and props to include all these things need to be included to create a well put together film opening. I will be posting the storyboard when it is more organized and complete. So far we are off to a great start and I cant wait to see what we accomplish in the future. 

starting phases 2

     We have thought about intertwining two genres to give it sort of a diversified feel to appeal to more audiences. Our target audience for this film is from younger adults like 18 years of age to middle aged adults like 45 years of age. With this larger range of audience this film should be more of a success. We are trying to incorporate the most original interesting techniques to make our opening different from all the others.       As far as the editing techniques we will use the most up to date and advanced editing software to make the opening prestige. Imovie along with premier pro and others will help us make this all come together. Both of these editing software's are easy to use and navigate all the tools, also they don't glitch or crash either which is always positive.

starting phases 1

     Hello my name is Jacob Katz and today I will begin my blog which includes all the latest updates on my new film opening. My group consist of Johnathan, Rachel, Sebastian and myself together we have come up with a heart racing, exhilarating experience like no other. We chose film opening instead of magazine spread to allow more creativity and emotion to be expressed in our content. As a group we discussed to do lots unique camera angles to bring out the effects of a thriller and to make it more suspenseful. As of now the genre is set so now we have to start working on a title and story board.          One conflict that has arose in the beginning stages is technology, and what camera we will be using to film. We need to make sure our opening is in the best quality for the viewers satisfaction. I came up with incorporating a drone shot to give it that professional feeling and extra suspense at that birds eye view. Altogether this is a great st...